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Best BBL Surgeon In Dallas Texas

The Brazilian butt lift is a type of buttock augmentation surgery that takes advantage of liposuction to remove fat from one part of the body and place it in the buttocks. The procedure is called “autologous fat grafting” or “microfat grafting.” This process allows for the best-looking, natural-looking results between two to four hours.

Where Are The Excess Fats Gotten?
The first step in creating the Brazilian butt lift is to perform liposuction, which removes fat from one part of the patient’s body. Most patients choose to have it performed on their legs, hips, or love handles. Having a surgeon that is able to meticulously harvest the right amount of fat and distribute it accordingly once in the buttocks is the most important thing. More information can be found on Crunchbase

How Does The Procedure Work?
The fat is then strained to remove excess serum and oils. The fat is then reinjected with small incisions in the patient’s body, typically in the creases of their buttocks. The incisions are closed, and the patient takes approximately two weeks to recover fully.

Who Is A Candidate?
The majority of patients that choose to get a Brazilian butt lift are in great shape but need an extra boost in their buttocks. Additionally, patients who choose to get the procedure are typically women who have had children but still want to keep their amazing bodies.

Why Should You Try Bbl?
The Brazilian butt lift is considered the most effective way to boost the buttocks. The procedure is inexpensive, includes little downtime, and gives patients the most natural-looking results.

The Brazilian butt lift is an incredibly effective procedure that boosts your butt. The procedure is highly safe and can be performed on anyone. Feel free to contact Dr. Sam Jejurikar at his Dallas office to schedule a consultation.